Contact us


Hertonäs Manor Museum Address: Linnanrakentajantie 12, 00810 Helsinki

e-mail: info (at)

phone: +358-40-1526185

How to Reach Us


The manor museum can be reached with public transport:

the buses number 80, 82-89 from Herttoniemi metro station. You can also arrive at Herttoniemi metro station and walk towards the south along Linnanrakentajantie (ca 1 km).

If you arrive by car or by bus, you can reach our P-space via Johan Sederholmin tie (street). The parkinglot is situated right next to the museum.


Map (Google maps)



You can also contact us with the form below


Write the number 7 using letters:


Map over the area of the Hertonäs Manor Museum